We are the membership organization representing the specialty of pediatric dentistry in Oregon. Our members serve as primary care and specialty providers for children throughout the state of Oregon from infancy through adolescence. Our pediatric dentists provide advanced, specialty-level care for infants, children, adolescents and patients with special health care needs; and are the primary contributors to professional education programs and scholarly works concerning children's dental care.The information contained on the OAPD website is offered as information only and not as professional or legal advice.
Become a member of the Oregon Academy of Pediatric Dentistry (OAPD) today and join thousands of other dentists working together for the benefit of children's oral health! OAPD membership will not only enhance your dental career through continuing education courses and colleague interaction, but will also put you at the forefront of the pediatric dentistry specialty in the state of Oregon.
As the state unit of the AAPD, the OAPD offers a review of resources available to member pediatric dentists in Oregon and around the country. Practice Management Archives This online archive gathers links to articles on risk management, practice management and marketing, financial strategies, issues in dental coding, and legal matters impacting the practice of pediatric dentistry.
If you have a classified listing that you would like to submit, please email us at classified@oapd.org with the details of your listing. The information contained on the OAPD website is offered as information only and not as professional or legal advice. Specific information provided on the OAPD website is provided in order to assist pediatric dentists in Oregon, and their staff, in making clinical decisions regarding the clinical care of their patients and cannot substitute for the individual judgment brought to each clinical situation by the patient's pediatric dentist.
Below is a listing of commonly asked questions regarding children's teeth, nutrition, emergencies, and treatments that might be recommended by your dentist. Want to learn more about a different topic? Simply click "back to top" to come back to the list of questions. Have a question not addressed on this list?

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